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Home Based Business Information At It's Best!: Keeping focused in Online Business is Key!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Keeping focused in Online Business is Key!

How staying focused is the key to a businesses success!

Whenever you are starting a new business online one of the toughest things to do is to focus all of your attention on that one business. Alot of people find themselves jumping from business to business because the results don't come quick enough. Actually the truth in what you are doing is really just jumping from idea to idea. You truly aren't actually running a business but just filling your time and distracting yourself from being successful. Creating and making a business successful takes 1. Time. 2. Effort. 3. And finally it requires you not to dump it and stop working on it just because a month after launch you have not made as many sales as you would have liked to.

Some people and even I are guilty of this. We will take an idea, develop it for 3 months or so and then put it online thinking it will be an instant success. When it doesn't take off right away we dump it and jump onto our next great idea. Usually before doing any effective marketing or promotions to get people to our website. Now if they don't know you are there, then how will they ever come to your site. It is like a new video store opening up down the street. If you never walk in that direction you will never know that it is there and you will never gone in to it, right? Though if that video store had sent you a flyer then you probably would have checked it out. You likely would have also rented a movie or two.

Alot of people like to build and develop an idea and then drop it after 3 months, then they do it all over again. Just think how successful you would be if you worked on your first idea for 12 months instead of spreading yourself out and working on 4 ideas in that time span. I bet you anything that you would be successful today!

You have to organize your thoughts and your goals so that you can see what you want to achieve with your business. Then build a realistic timeline for this so that you don't give up so quickly. Give it the time that it needs to grow. Another important factor is to stay focused at the business at hand. Even if you come up with what seems to be the next "great thing", write it down and put it away. You have to stay focused and put all of your time as well as your effort towards your business.
About the Author:

Anthony Jewell has over 6 Years experience in the Web & Graphics World. You can visit my business and join in conversation at our forum at &

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