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Home Based Business Information At It's Best!: Time Proven Strategies To Get And Increase Free Targeted Web Site Traffic

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Time Proven Strategies To Get And Increase Free Targeted Web Site Traffic

Today every web site in Internet is fighting for targeted web site traffic. But what are the results of this fight? Statistics says that out of 36,000,000 web sites that already exist in Internet, only few percent get real targeted visitors.

Where do these lucky web site owners get their traffic? The best way to answer this question is to look what famous Internet marketers do on their web sites to get and increase web site traffic.

Famous Internet marketing gurus: Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver, John Reese, Dan Kennedy, Jeff Mulligan, Terry Dean and others use a bundle of time-proven strategies and Internet marketing tools that give real effect in web site promotion and give free traffic.

Time proven strategies that increase free web site traffic include:

1. Find successful joint venture partners and affiliates in your niche to get targeted web site traffic for your online business.

Every business niche has top web sites: there owners are very successful with getting traffic and have targeted visitors and clients. You find top web sites in your niche, email their owners and give them affiliate offer or negotiate to become your joint-venture partners.

If you succeed, you will get access to their clients and subscribers. You will share part of your profits with the partners, but they will give you free targeted web site traffic and visitors. These partners and affiliates will become your free traffic system - a living organism that works to bring you real and targeted traffic.

2. Raise web site rank and get targeted traffic with link exchange.

Link exchange can grow web site rank and increase traffic for any web site from search engines. You must put a link to the web site in your niche (this web site should better have high page rank), and put the link to this web site on your site in return.

When search engines check you web site and see many links from other site on it, and also see many links of your web site on these sites, they "think" is really good. They give your web site a higher rank and when someone runs a search for your keywords, your web site gets to the top in found results.

So, link exchange works like an automatic and absolutely free traffic system that drives targeted traffic for any web site.

3. Get bigger effect from the traffic you drive to web site with professional mailing tools.

Mailing tools increase the quality of web site traffic. Quite often after visitors get to the web site, they spend up to 30 seconds on it and leave the web site forever. Professional mailing tools help to catch visitors and motivate them for staying on the web site for longer.

Mailing tools can educate visitors about the benefits of your products/services, mailing tools can encourage clients for more purchases with advertising campaigns, mailing tools can help you to qualify your subscribers and clients, how motivated they are for your products, what they need, etc.

Mailing tools are the voice of your web site in Internet, this voice should be professional and persuasive.

4. Increase effectivity from targeted web site traffic with URL tracking tools.

It is impossible to run any online business without the tools that help to track the response of your prospects, subscribers and clients to your text ads, to your new offers, to your advertising campaigns, etc. Without tracking you never know how targeted is your traffic.

The strategy is simple: track and check what gives you losses and what gives profits. Stick with the things that give profits, try new approaches, test them with URL tracking and stick with the things that work again. After good testing your web site will turn into a highly effective mechanism that will bring you more and more profits.

This URL tracking scheme shows if your free traffic system methods work fine and bring you any profits.

5. Use attention-catching technologies to get targeted traffic to your web site.

When visitors get to your web site, you give them some useful info or offer in the pop-up. You can give then educational course about the benefits of your products or service, useful updates on the topics that have close relation to your product or service - the most important is to motivate your visitor to submit name and email into subscription form in the pop-up window. When they subscribe, you get this visitor into you database.

Once you got the visitor into your database, you can follow up this client with more products and services that you have. You may have more products and services in future, and this visitor will be your potential client for all of them.

But be very careful. Do not flood your visitors with useless offers. If they feel you are pushing them too hard to buy something, they will
unsubscribe from your database.

These Are Not All Time-Proven Strategies That Give Free Targeted Web Site Traffic, But They Have One Drawback...

These strategies need many different Internet marketing tools, plus time and efforts to execute them and get targeted traffic.

The only solution to this problem is a tool that can automate all these strategies and run them with one web-based tool. This professional tools will save you time, money and efforts.

If you wish to learn more about this system, make sure to visit web site with Free Traffic