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Home Based Business Information At It's Best!: 12 Great Reasons To Work From Home

Thursday, December 07, 2006

12 Great Reasons To Work From Home

by Guy Mendelson

Let face it, people who trudge to work every day probably do not need many reasons to quit their job. Many people who hate what they do on adaily basis would likely give it all up in a minute if they thought they could. Why, then, do they continue to run the same hamster wheel of unhappiness in a dead end job? Most people do not realize there is an alternative. There are 12 really good reasons why anyone could work from home. Most people just need to make the biggest decision of their life.

Reason #1. Its all for the money. money is a pretty obvious reason for starting a Home Based Business because Why would you otherwise start a business if you werent planning on making any money.

Reason #2. Be your own oss. Starting a Home Based Business is a step in the right direction and the best part is, youll never have to answer to anyone elses orders, just your own.

Reason #3. There is ample opportunity to provide for a family by working from home. The Internet revolution has created a new marketplace, ripe for new businesses looking to launch. This revolution has started a trend, and many people have found it easy to ride the coattails of the trend to financial success and freedom.

Reason #4. You can physically be in the place your heart has been at all day long. You can spend time with your family. You can witness first steps,soccer games, ballet practices, and art projects. You dont have to regret the things you miss if you work from home, because your office is where the action is. You choose when you need to work and when your family needs to take precedence. Only for those who work at home is such freedom a reality.

Reason #5. You set your own rules. You create the goals and quota. You can do something different everyday if doing something different brings you greaterjob satisfaction. You fill every role in your own company, and wear many different hats.

Reason #6. Work when you want to. you get to set your own schedule for what hours You want to work. you get to set your own hours for when you want to work your business. You can work when you are most energetic, whether thats 10 am or 10 pm. You can take off to run errands or go see your kids school play. It becomes about your productivity, not about your "face-time" in the office.

Reason #7. No more worrying about job security. You never have to worry about receiving a pink slip from your boss or a "sorry", but the company has to cut back on its employees and You happen to be one of the ones who has to go.

Reason #8. It doesnt interfere with your rent "j.o.b.". You dont have to quit your current j.o.b. in order to get started. You can start on a part-time basis until your able to replace your current income with the income you generate from your business.

Reason #9. It will make you a more confident person. It takes alot of confidence to start something you have no idea what the outcome might be and the risks involved, whether there financial or personal.

Reason #10. It builds a sense of pride. Wouldnt it be great to be able to tell your friends and family or just somebody you meet that youre an entrepreneur and you run and operate your own successful Home Based Business. Pride also works as a motivator because the more successful you get the harder youll want to work in order to achieve the goals you have set for your business.

Reason #11. Wouldnt it be great to retire early. If your business turns out to be a SUCCESS and you invest and put your money to work for you, wouldnt it be great to retire early and do the things youve always dreamed of doing, but never had the time or money to do so.

Reason #12. You get great Tax benefits. You heard right, you get Tax benefits with running your own Home Based Business because now youre entitled to home business tax deductions.

There you have it, "12 powerful reasons why You are Crazy not To Start a home based business In 2006". Combined, these 12 reasons present irrefutable evidence that the opportunities associated with working from home cannot and should not be passed up. These are the very reasons I contiplated before starting my home based business and in my mind are the most common.

Guy Mendelson, is a respected internet marketing expert, and the founder of leading home business To subscribe to Guy Mendelson E-zine, send blank email to Guy Mendelson